Your favorite flavor of bold cheddar cheese is now your favorite potato crisp. Deliciously seasoned Cheddar Cheese Flavored Pringles Potato Crisps are flavored from edge to edge for a craveable...
Pizza makes people happy. Pringles make people happy. Combine the two, and your party will be known as the happiest place on earth. If morning-after cold pizza is your thing, store...
Pringles Sour Cream and Onion Flavored Potato Chips offer a burst of flavor in every bite with none of the guilt. That is because they have 50 percent fewer calories...
The amazing of sour cream, onion and potato together can’t be measured by modern science. We’ve decided it’s simply a flavour combination nature intended and man perfected. We don’t question...
When you're an original, you set the standard for how it’s done. And with the tantalizing taste of potato you'll be taking this gold standard all the way to the...
Pringles BBQ potato crisps are flavored from edge to edge for a craveable taste and perfect crunch. Ingredients contain wheat. Qty: 165g Ingredients: Dehydrated Potatoes, Vegetable Oils (Sunflower, Corn), Rice Flour, Wheat Starch,...
Dried Potatoes, Vegetable Oil (Corn, Cottonseed, High Oleic Soybean, and/or Sunflower Oil), Degerminated Yellow Corn Flour, Cornstarch, Rice Flour, Maltodextrin, Mono- and Diglycerides. Qty: 158g Ingridents: DRIED POTATOES, VEGETABLE OIL (CORN, COTTONSEED, HIGH...
The pucker factor is just one of the many reasons to love these crisps. We took a little vinegar, a touch of salt and lots of crunch to make a...
The hot and spicy sensation of peppers, jalapeños and carefully selected spices are fused to create the ultimate snack experience. Thanks to our re-sealable tube each crisp keeps its freshness,...
When you're an original, you set the standard for how it’s done. And with the tantalizing taste of potato, you'll be taking this gold standard all the way to the...
You’re they type of person that keeps a picture of ketchup in that locket you wear.That’s how serious your love for ketchup is. And now, finally, you can indulge your...